Thursday, January 21, 2010

My God - how great You are!

I dropped Banner off at the cousin's house this morning. He goes to BSF with them and I have started dropping him off in the morning so he can go with them and I can start work on time. I feel so badly having to wake him up in the morning, but he is always a happy camper knowing he is going to see his cousins. He sleeps through me taking off his pajamas, changing his diaper and then putting on his pants. He typically starts to wake up as I put on his shoes and/or shirt. :)

Anyways, on the way home I have a quiet car and this gives me time to think about my day, week, life, etc.. I am using this time to talk to God (I must look insane if anybody were to peer into my car window and see me talking to myself. Yes...when I talk to God I typically talk OUT LOUD). If a song comes on that begs me to sing along, I will belt it out at the top of my lungs! have an audience of Christ alone. NO judge or jury. He doesn't care when I hit a wrong note, say the wrong word, or sound like the neighbor's barking dog. :)

The song "How Great is Our God" came on the radio. (I am not 100% sure that is the title of the song. I am HORRIBLE with titles/artists ; I just know a song when I hear it) I love this song! My God IS great! I think of all He has gotten me through; I think of how He has been a wonderful Father to me ; I think of how He has made sure I am always loved. My favorite part of the song? Oddly enough it is the simple line : SING WITH ME. "What?! Are you serious?! Why?!" (I can hear the questions now. Calm yourselves...I will answer that)

It is a begging call for all of those in agreement with the prior line ("How great is our God") to stand up and praise Him!! Don't let the rocks cry out because you are silent! Believe me...they will. Read Luke 19: 37-40. The disciples shouted out praises to the King of Kings. The Pharisees were NOT happy at this and told Jesus to tell His disciples to be quiet. (What?! Oh no they didn't! Yes...they did!!) Jesus replied to them : "I tell you...if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." OH SNAP!!! How mean a simple, possibly ugly rock will step up to the plate if I fail to do so? Yes.

This does not pertain only to singing (when in church, the car, or at home). This encompasses life in general. If you fail to praise Him for what He has done for you, a rock will praise Him in your place. I don't know about you, but I put my foot down and refuse to have an ugly rock stand in for me! I CHOOSE to tell people of His glory, His love, His awesomeness!

Now, please understand me. I am not saying you have to constantly be talking to people about how great He is. We don't want to be rambling idiots with no couth or discernment as to the time and place. Sometimes people need a listening ear and a quiet mouth (whew...that one is so hard). There is a time and a place for everything under the sun. But, don't forget to give Him the glory in your life. He has put His Spirit in your life to urge you in His way. I know I have felt His Spirit SOOOOO many times calling me to stand up, lift my hands, sing matter who gives me dirty looks (or looks of "whoa...she's lost it!"). It is then up to me to listen to Him or let a stupid rock stand in my place.

One of the most fun (and life changing) chapels I went to at Wayland was when our speaker talked about David dancing in his ephod. (2 Samuel 6:12-15) In plain language, he told us an ephod was pretty much David's underwear. Whoa! I went to a Baptist college and he talked about David dancing in the streets, praising God in HIS UNDERWEAR!!! (now, do you understand why it was life changing? hee hee) The thing that shocked me the most? David's wife was embarrassed of him and "lectured" him later on telling David that he should be ashamed of himself behaving that way in public. (2 Samuel 6:16 and 20) (this is not what shocked me. this would be a perfectly understandable "conversation" after someone behaves this way) The shocking part is that David told Michal (his wife) that he would celebrate before the matter how foolish he looked. Because of Michal's hardened heart toward's David's praising God, the Lord closed her womb. WHOA!!! Now THAT is a shocker!

Please don't think I am encouraging dancing around in your underwear (especially in public...these days that is punishable by law). This story is also NOT a license to do things to bring attention to yourself. That's the thing : praising Him is about HIM...NOT YOU! If your intention is to get others to say, "Look at her/him. Aren't they something? Aren't they cool? They must be holy, have a good relationship with God, etc.." Your heart is WRONG and you are NOT praising Him, but yourself!

On the flip side, if God gives you the gift of discernment, His spirit will discern motives. But it is NOT our job to judge! Some may truly be praising God (in song, in story, in actions, whatever), and some may be wanting the lime light on themselves. But, that is something between them and God. God will rebuke them if they have selfish motives. And, I believe that most will see through them. However, bottom line is this : watch your OWN heart. Don't let your heart get hardened like Michal's.

I use this story as a way to encourage you to put yourself aside and think of laying it all down to praise Him! He didn't think of Himself when He laid it all down for you on the cross. He was completely selfless. When you compare the two, praising Him should be easy! So, come on : SING WITH ME!

I hope this day finds you blessed and filled with His joy!


  1. What a great post, Randi. Loved reading it. :O I think God has been talking to me a lot about searching my heart to see my motives. Am I pleasing him for myself (to look good, ease my conscience, ect.)? Or am I serving him with all my heart, because HE is IN MY HEART and it it overflowing with HIS GOODNESS. Whoah, it has been some real searching for me. Like you said, we shouldn't be drawing attention to ourselves or worrying about making ourselves look good. Anyhow, thanks for the post. It was an encouragement. :)

  2. Randi-where have you been hiding???? I mean I get to talk to you one on one but girl the world needs to hear this! This was such an awesome thing to read this am and such an excitement filled my heart about praising God and sharing his goodness. Oops just noticed the bug man's here...

  3. ...Ok I'm back :) I know that's weird but hey that's my life. Thank you so much for sharing this, this is what it's all about. Living a life of praise to God our Father, and friend. Each time I taste the greatness of our God, I realize this is only the beginning. Each time I feel His presence the sweeter it is. I ask God to break me of my own self-absorption so that His Glory will be revealed. Be blessed!
