Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Unexpected Love by Julie Zine Coleman

   This book is a beautifully written look into the heart of God through His conversations with women in the Bible.  Each of the nine chapters delve into the treatment and conversation Jesus had with different women and how these conversations can reveal the love and plan God has for women even in today's world.  While some of the conversations may seem plain and not too deep, the author takes it one step further by giving a context of historical times and significance and also how we can apply that to our own lives.

   As a person that likes to learn more about the history of things, this book definitely intrigued me as it opened my eyes to new perspectives on stories that I have read and heard many times before as a child and adult.  It inspired me to dig deeper in my reading!  The author made each conversation easy to follow and gave a comprehensive historical context that enlightens the reader to the importance of each word or action that Jesus took.  I do believe that the author revealed Biblical Truth and the notes given in the back of the book lead the reader to open the Word for themselves.  This could make for an interesting women's group book discussion.

(I received a complimentary copy of this book through the BookSneeze website)