Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I did it! Watch out internet world

It's official! I am going to be a blogger! Every time I read a friend's blog, I would think "Hmmm...I want to do that. I need to write my thoughts down and keep track of my life." So, no more thinking about it...I DID IT!!

For anybody who cares to read this, I will be writing about whatever is going on in life : kiddo, hubby, work, local and national happenings, etc... I will also be writing my thoughts on subjects that come to mind. You will come to know that God has given me a mind and voice and I intend to use both.

I have never been one to blend in with the crowds or change myself to please others. Now, I am not talking about areas of sin; I know I am a sinner and I need God to forgive me daily and help me become more like Him. What I am talking about is how He made me a particular way and I have learned to bask in His glorious handiwork. He made me on purpose. He has a plan for me, He loves me in my uniqueness and who am I to change what God has designed?

To give you the quick snippet of what is currently going on in my life : Ben and I have now been married for a little over 5 years. We learn more and more each day how to love each other and support each other in our walk with Christ and our roles on this earth. We have been blessed with our surprise miracle, Banner. He is a complete joy and we wouldn't change a thing! He is a very happy and contented child. VERY easy going! I know this has nothing to do with our parenting skills (or lack thereof), but God answering my prayers from the get go. I prayed on a daily basis that he would be a joyful baby and have a sweet heart. God heard me!!

I work from home for a wonderful company and am blessed to have been able to do my job from the comfort of my chair wearing my pjs! I do work at least 40 hours a week (though in this past year I have only had a couple of weeks that I did NOT have overtime), so it is not the same as being a stay at home mom. The things that tear at my heart are when I cannot take him to a friend's house to play, or to the zoo on a beautiful day. I ache when he asks me to play in his room or sit on the couch with him and I cannot. But, I focus on the blessings of seeing him all day, every day. He has never had to go to a day care and, yet, I can still keep working and helping to provide for my family.

Ben works at UPS and has started going back to school. He is also working with a Christian catering company in the afternoons to bring in some more moolah (for projects around the house...duh!) and to keep him out of trouble. :) He is a wonderful Daddy and Banner thinks that he is the funniest thing on earth! Banner likes to "work" like Daddy with tools around the house (although sometimes this can be a bad thing : like the time Banner found Ben's saw and tried to "work" on the desk!)

We bought our first home in June of 2008. We were so excited and proud (we still are) of the blessing of a home! One time I will blog of the awesome journey of getting to that point and God's hand in it all. Our home was built around 1920 (we believe) with additions done around the 50's or 60's. Needless to say...they just don't make things like they used to. This house is SOLID! We have had a blast doing projects and Ben has shown his awesome skills doing things such as building a pantry, tiling the bathroom, building a walk-in closet in the master and oh-so much more. The best part of this home has been getting to know our neighbors. Not just on our street, but in our small, cute neighborhood. We live near some of the nicest people and have been blessed to be able to share our faith and learn that a lot of them are believers! God's hand is sovereign and we know He has placed us here for His reasons!

Well, I guess that about does it for my first post as an official blogger!!!! You will "catch up" more as I post things going on in our lives. For now, may you have a blessed day and may His peace and love shelter you!


  1. I am so glad you started a blog! I can't wait to read more.

  2. Welcome to the world of blogging!!
    Hope you have fun. And don't forget, people REALLY want to see pictures. :)

  3. Randi this is so awesome! I have often thought of blogging, but been discouraged(by myself)bc of the time and effort to put into it. I think I am inspired once again by another friend who is doing it. Who knows...maybe in the near future I might just DO IT! I think you will be able to reach many people through your life stories. You are unique (in a fabulous way) and you are absolutely right, God made you this way and has a purpose and a plan for your life :) Keep up the confidence girl! I'll be a faithful reader and I know you will not disapoint!!!!! Love in Christ-Moe

  4. Welcome to the blog-world! I started blogging a couple of weeks ago and I really enjoy it! You are a fun, animated person, so I know your blogs will be just the same! Most of my blog subscriptions are weight-loss blogs, so it will be nice to read something different for a change! Yay!

  5. Woot!! I love blogging! Great start!
